Switching to E-Cigs

Since the health experts continue to debate the pros and cons of e-cigarettes or electronic hookahs; there isn’t any denying that e-cigarettes are becoming an effective tool in assisting smokers to stop harmful tobacco cigarettes.

A growing amount of people are becoming more inclined towards e-cigs with the goal of quitting tar and tobacco-filled cigarettes. In reality, for the better part of the smokers, the prime reason for vaping e-cigs is to quit smoking.

In the year 2020, it’s believed that the use of e-cigarettes has increased by 2.1 million.

Electronic cigarettes like RELX are considered much less insecure compared to regular cigarettes. In the end, e-hookahs do not contain dangerous tobacco, tar, and other fatal chemicals. Most of us know that the vast majority of deaths; diseases and illnesses from cigarette smoking are brought on by tar and cigarette smoking. In fact, in accordance with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), cigarette smoking contributes to over 480,000 deaths every year in the United States.

In accordance with more CDC data, the root cause of 90% of all lung cancer deaths in men and women is caused by tobacco cigarette smoking. Every year, more women die from deadly lung cancer rather than breast cancer.

Tobacco smoking is known to cause several health dangers, such as:

The top cause of death in the USA is heart disease.
Cigarette smokers are more likely to develop chronic lung and pancreatic cancer
Tobacco cigarette smoking damages blood vessels
Increases blood pressure
Tobacco smoke aggravates asthma and may trigger an attack
Cigarette smoking causes COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). It is a chronic lung disorder that makes it difficult to breathe quickly.

In a nutshell, tobacco smoking affects all organs of the body and leads to different diseases and disorders.