Teaching Your Kids in a “Greeny” Way

What do we do with our beautiful green earth? We dig, build, change and cultivate. We do as we see fit. But it is our children who will soon have to live there and what do we leave behind for them? I hope a nice, green, livable place. Many of us, therefore, make every effort to reduce waste, to make a choice for green energy and to buy clothing, care products, and Büroreinigung Aachen cleaning products that do not place too much burden on the environment. But not only what we use is important, also what we teach our children will matter a lot in the future!

Unfortunately, I don’t have any children of my own, but I do know that it is important that we teach children the values ​​so that they will soon live up to them. We cannot expect a child to act environmentally conscious if we do not do so ourselves. I often see enough people grabbing the car for a message around the corner. I hear friends say that they think waste separation makes no sense. And they cannot miss those wonderful smells of cleaning agents full of chemicals. But organic meat is far too expensive ?! How central is Eco awareness in your life? Can your children learn from your example?

Living a green and conscious life should not only be an opinion, but really should be lived. Personally, I always think about whether I really need my car. I do my shopping by bike, I go to my yoga class by bike. I buy organic detergent (and I find the subtle smell of it ten times better than the sharp smells of the ordinary brands). Children learn by the example they get and mom and dad are the biggest example they have. So if you take that extra step for the environment, for animal friendliness and for the preservation of the earth, that is an important lesson for your child.

You can also teach your child Eco-awareness in a fun way. There are all kinds of fun activities to do with your child, to cultivate more love and understanding for nature. Involve your child in work in the garden and immediately teach him how composting works. Being busy sowing, watering and seeing fruits and vegetables grow enormously helps with the feeling of being part of everything that lives. Your child can also better see how the food he eats comes from the ground. And also that we can help and protect plants and animals ourselves. If you don’t have a garden, there are often farms in the area with open days, care farms where you can walk around and maybe even city gardens where you can have a look. Take your child to a petting zoo to pet the animals. And of course take a wonderful walk in the forest on a regular basis. Perhaps you as a family can clean up trash in the forest. In this way you teach your child that a better environment really starts with you.