Educating And Reminding The Young Of The Do’s And Don’ts Of Wearing Contact Lens

Contact lenses are curved lens that are thin enough to be directly placed on the tear film, wherein it covers the eye’s surface. They could either be soft, hard or a hybrid. Even though contact lenses are regarded as a medical device, people wear them for different intentions, such as for visual correction, therapeutic purposes or cosmetic reasons.

No matter what the reason, wearers can purchase kontaktlinser på nett or from eye doctors and specialists authorize to do, and provided they present their contact lens prescriptions as stipulated in the Fairness to Contact Lens Consumers Act.

Many young individuals begin wearing contact lenses in high school. But, most of these young individuals aren’t good and consistent at taking care of their contact lenses, which creates a possibility for the wearer to get severe eye infections causing impaired vision and/or blindness. The American Academy of Ophthalmology has been giving teens as well as their parents tips on the way contact lenses should properly be cared for.

About 25% of ER visits from children are associated to the use of contact lenses. Study has revealed that poor lens care by both teens as well as young individuals increase their probability of acquiring eye infections like corneal ulcers and infectious keratitis. In most serious circumstances, they might necessitate transplants of the cornea to restore the person’s sight.  Hence, the American Academy of Ophthalmology encourages parents to remind their children to learn and practice proper care and handling of their contact lenses to prevent such eye infections.

Contact Lens – Do’s and Don’ts

Numerous infections of the eye, providentially, could be averted by observing simple and trouble-free care guidelines for contact lenses. Regardless of the reason why you wear contact lenses, it is imperative to remember that these are a medical device. Hence, proper care must be observed:

  • Wash your hands at all times prior to touching your contact lenses. Make certain that you don’t utilize soap with lotion, since it will produce a hazy film.
  • Before putting on the lens, check every lens for damage, and ensure it isn’t inverted.
  • Each lens must be cleaned everyday by means of rubbing the contact lens for about 10 seconds on both sides as well as rinsing them prior to storing them.
  • Only make use of the lens solution that is recommended by eye doctor or professional.
  • Replace the solution in the lens storage daily.
  • Always keep your lens case hygienic and change it/them every 3 months.
  • Don’t sleep with your lenses on without the approval of your eye doctor.
  • Don’t makes us of the hot tub or go swimming with your contact lenses. If you intend to swim with your contact lenses, seek the advice of your doctor.
  • Tap water shouldn’t be used to clean your lenses.
  • Don’t make use of medicated eye drops while wearing your contact lens, unless permitted by your professional eye doctor.