Teaching Kids Basic Car Safety And Upkeep

It’s essential to teach and instill in children some fundamentals regarding car safety and care despite their young age so as to cultivate good habits and practices when they’re adults, such as basic car washing. See hand car wash Brisbane. Correct tire and automobile care and upkeep increase safety and in the long run saves you money.

Simple Ways to Teach Children about Basic Car Safety and Upkeep


Be on the lookout when in parking lots.

Parking lots or car parks have frequent traffic so are stop-and-go movements. This is a wonderful time to explain to children to keep out of traffic. Make it clear to them that they should not walk behind a car. If they do that, drivers won’t be able to see them. Make certain they remain faithful to stop and look both ways prior to walking into the drive path.

Another great way to impart safety to children when in the parking lot is by letting the older broods teach the younger ones how to be careful and safe in a car park lot. Let the older children hold hands with the younger ones and lead and guide them to where to where they should walk and how to stop and look both ways before traversing the pedestrian lane. In this manner both children are simultaneously taught about safety in parking lots.

Regularly inflate your tires.

Maintaining appropriate tire pressure helps aids in traction, saves fuel and increases safety on the road. Bringing your children to the air compressor or gas station is a simple manner to begin teaching them about car maintenance. Children below 12 years have to observe from afar, however teens can help inflate the tires. Explain to them that they have to adhere to the instructions and recommended maximum PSI of the tire manufacturer as listed on several reliable and reputable tire website.

Wash and clean the car.

In the summer, the greatest part of maintaining an automobile is washing it. From brushing off mud and dirt to spreading on the final polish to give the car gloss and shine, children any age can assist in cleaning and servicing the car. Make certain to utilize kid-friendly and eco-friendly soaps, since younger children are prone to frequently touching their eyes. This simple action of washing and cleaning will help children pay attention to the car as you point out and explain to them its parts and functions. Additionally, washing the car is an enjoyable way to get the children involved in household tasks and responsibilities.

Make your daily drives an opportunity for your children’s learning experience.

Children are innately curios, as you drive them to school or the grocery; teach them about the how the car works. Give them clear details about lights, numbers, and arrows on the dashboard mean, or how the shifting of the gear works. This will ultimately be of help to them when they are taught to drive. This is also a fantastic time to enlighten them about road and traffic signs.